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02-17-10 Trails Committee
Meeting Minutes - Newtown Trails Committee


In attendance:

Committee Chair - Scott Coleman
Committee Members:
Tom Long
Karl Phillippi
Steve Rosentel
Mark Lurie

Newtown Parks & Rec Representative - Amy Mangold - Dir. of Newtown Parks & Rec
Newtown Conservation Committee Representative - Mary Kaley

Public Participants/Attendees:

Thomas Diluoffo
Michael Hubbard
Robert Macey
Ann Marie Macey
Steve Kokoska
Robert Macey

7:10 call to order

Public Participation

Item 1:

Ann Marie Macey and Robert Macey expressed an interest in learning more about the trail planned for the town owned parcel of land behind their homes on Swamp Road.
Steve Koskoska of Swamp Road - expressed a strong aversion to having a trail developed on the town parcel behind his home.

An hour long, vigorous debate ensued about the pros and cons of the trail. During this debate the residents of Swamp Road (the Maceys, Karl Phillippi, Steve Koskoska) raised concerns about:

People infringing upon their privacy,  the scope of the trail, the termination point of the trail, erecting signs, dangerous materials/contamination from Batchelder.

The committee addressed these issues explaining the planning that had been going on for the past 8 months and the accommodations that had been made to previous requests for changes.

Specifically the committee noted that they had already determined:
  • The width of the trail would only be 8’ feet wide, not the original 12’
  • As many old growth trees as possible would be preserved, lending to a more natural bending trail, rather than a wide boulevard
  • The current, approved development plan for the trail has it ending 1200 feet from the Newtown/Monroe line  
  • Signage would be placed at the beginning and end of the trail indicating where the  trail ended and advising users of the trail to respect local private property owners
  • Every attempt would be made to create a natural, physical barrier using available resources on site (logs, brush, rocks).  This would be done in conjunction with the surrounding swamp areas to leverage the swamp as an additional barrier.
  • The trail would form an obvious “loop” or “turn around” at the end to encourage people to stay within the scope of the trail and not continue any further.
In addition to this information, Amy Mangold from Parks & Rec reported that she had spoken to Newtown’s Health Dept. and the CT DEP and both agencies approved use of the town owned parcel of land for a trail.

In the end it was agreed that the concerns of the Swamp Road residents would be addressed as long as proper signage was created, the trail ended 1200’ feet from the Monroe town line and the trail had a loop at the end to indicate it was indeed the end of the trail and that people should not continue beyond that.

Item 2:

        Michael Hubbard from Boy Scout Troop 270 in Newtown requested the help of       the Trails Committee in identifying a suitable project for his Eagle Scout rank.  

        Amy Mangold suggested Michael contact her office about working on a trail       near the Treadwell Park.

Correspondence – none

Chairman report

  • a local group is working on a geo-caching project and wanted to possibly solicit the participation of the Trails Committee
  • Mary Kaley indicated that the Conservation Commission is working on a policy regarding geo-caching and would keep the committee up to date
Parks & Recreation Director report -
        Amy Mangold reported and presented a completed Open Space map she had   received from the Newtown Land Use dept.

Newtown Conservation Committee report -

  • nothing to report
Old Business

Report on Newtown Rail Trail Project proposal to Newtown Parks and Recreation Commission -

        Committee Member Tom Long presented the previously voted upon project   proposal to the Parks and Recreation COmmission on February 9th 2010.  The      Commission voted to approve development of the next 600’ feet of the    trail (many months earlier they had approved development of the first   600’).          This approval brings the total trail length to 1200’.
Scott Coleman reported that Matt Bodwell was continuing his planning and preparation for his Eagle Scout project (development of the first 600’ feet of the trail).  Matt is planning on doing work on the weekends in March and as part of this planning, guidance was needed regarding the exact wording needed on the “welcome” sign to the trail.  The committee recommended the following be included on the sign:
  • Welcome to the Newtown Trailway
  • Trail ends 1200’ ahead
  • Respect the privacy of neighboring properties
  • Include the standard town placard indicating proper use of town property and trails

New Business –

Discussion on the process for submitting ideas for new trails or trail improvements.    Mary Kaley to talk to Land Use about filing approved requests.
        Tom Long made a motion to update/approve the proposed process.
                Mark Lurie seconded
                Voted and passed

Request to distribute Committee Member contact info to all Committee Members.  
        Scott Coleman to provide.

Discussion on process for requesting the surveying of a plot of land for the development of trails.
        - Conclusion - requests should be emailed to the Commission

Meeting adjourned at 9pm